Veeteran's Day: Never Forget Your Duty Analysis

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America is another name for opportunity. America is a place for people to come live the life they want to live and be successful. Most people look at America as a place of freedom and a place where you dreams come true. An American is someone who serves our country, someone who gets to choose their own job, and someone who immigrates for more opportunities. First of all, an American is someone who serves our country. For example, In the essay, “Veteran’s Day: Never Forget Your Duty” by John McCain he defines America by talking about being prisoner of war and serving our country. To McCain to be an American is “Duty, honor, country …. Never forget those thousands of Americans who, with their courage, with their sacrifice and with their lives, made those words live for all of …show more content…

In the poem, “ I hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman he defines an American as someone who gets the job of their choice. To Whitman an American is,” The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing.” This quotes helps my understanding of what it means to be an American because the people are singing in joy because they have the right to pick their own job and they don’t have someone choosing for them. Along with the job of their choice immigrants can come here for a better life and more opportunities. Lastly, to be an American is someone who immigrates here for more opportunities. In the short story, “America and I” by Anzia Yezierska she defines what it's like to work in America and all the different opportunities she had compared to Russia. “Here was my first chance to begin my life in the sunshine, after my long darkness.” This quote states that she has many more opportunities over here than she had in Russia, where she struggled to live. America is full of opportunities we just have to have a plan for what we want to