Veganism In The Movie What The Health By Kip Andersen

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Veganism has long since been seen as a thing done by individuals solely for ethical reasons. But it goes farther, than animal rights, it carries into physical and mental health, environmental impacts, social economics, meat and dairy companies manipulation, and even prescription drug companies. Unfortunately we cannot focus on the many layers of veganism, instead we will be focusing on the effects a vegan diet can have on a person’s health and the impact on the environment. In the documentary “What the Health” produced and directed by, Kip Andersen, he explores all of theses different aspects with a big focus on health. When people choose to follow a vegan diet they are not only helping themselves but also simultaneously helping the environment …show more content…

The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, many nutritionist have tried to see why this is.They have set forth diets and exercise routines and foods that should be avoided. They have for some time said that the portion sizes are to blame, and that it is possibly the biggest trigger for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and many more complications that far too many Americans face and struggle with. Perhaps nutritionist and doctors are ignoring one thing that could possibly make a big difference. The reason why veganism is not so mainstream is because the consumption of meat and dairy products has become such a big part of American culture. So the idea of simply giving up something you grew up with, for health reasons that may not even affect you now, is simply not worth it to most Americans. But there have been many people that have given a vegan diet a try, and they constantly preach about how life changing it is, not just for yourself but for the environment. But can it really change your life in a drastic way? Kris Carr, is a prominent example of an individual whose life was completely changed because she changed her diet. “Kris had …show more content…

Americans alone consume 270.7 pounds per person a year according to The National Public Radio. The reality is our bodies take a long time to digest meat, it can take between 24-72 hours to digest red meat, while fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber can be digested in less than a day. Fruits and Vegetables are not only jam packed with fiber, but they are also full of vitamins, nutrients, are low in calories, low in fat, and believe it or not also have plenty of protein. The only thing that is lacking from a plant based diet is B12, which is exclusively, it seems, found in animal products. B12 helps maintain the health of nerve cells, including those needed for neurotransmitter signaling, and helps form the protective covering of nerves, called the cell's myelin sheath, it is an important vitamin. Doctor Campbell explains in his book The Campbell Plan that “Animals get B12 by absorbing B12 made by their gut bacteria, in the case of ruminants like cows and sheep”, Campbell goes on to explain other ways animals acquire B12 which include, “eating fecal matter, eating bacterial contaminated food, or eating animal products themselves, like animal flesh, milk, or eggs.” So for someone who chooses to follow a plant based diet, B12 can be hard to come by, but not impossible, professionals highly recommend people who follow a plant based diet to take a B12 supplement, so

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