Often in life, many people will find themselves in a financial struggle, and most of the time they will try to get out of that situation through the most ethical means possible. Yet, for Claude, this does not apply. Claude is a character from Roald Dahl’s short story, “Vengeance is Mine”, who works with George in a business where they attack columnists for those who receive slander in the mail from said columnists in exchange for cash. Claude is an immoral and manipulative character in “Vengeance is Mine” who attacks others for his financial gain, and manipulates the victims of columnist slander to agree with his nefarious deeds. To start, Claude is an immoral character who attacks others for income without feeling regret or remorse for the victims of his attacks. …show more content…
Pantaloon at the Penguin Club and all Claude could think of was, “They’ll all be pleased’, I said. “Watch the money coming in’ (Dahl 687). This is important because it shows that Claude hadn’t even considered the condition of Mr. Pantaloon after the blow, and all he cared about was the money that he would be receiving from said blow. To add on, Claude is also a very manipulative character who convinces others to agree with him in most situations. For example, Claude knows that wealthy figures hate to be picked on in the news, which is why he brought up the idea of the business because he knew that he could easily convince these wealthy figures to agree to pay him to attack the columnist that said things against them. When he sends out the cards he even says, “The sooner they get them, the better. Tomorrow might be too late. They won’t be half as angry tomorrow as they are today.” (Dahl 676). This quote from Claude shows that he even knows that he has to convince them when they’re still angry in order to manipulate them into agreeing with his nefarious acts while they’re in a bad state of