Verizon Summary

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1. Personally, after reviewing the organizational cultures Verizon would fall under the market organization. The book defines market culture as being driven by competition and having a desire to provide results. Verizon has set goals for to strengthen their corporation. Which has been beneficial time and again as they have been among the top ten over the last six years. Furthermore, Verizon is dedicated to employing individuals who will work hard as they recruit the highest performing college graduates and even provide internships. However, it does not stop there Verizon believes in furthering their employees education with a 24 month customized leadership curriculum that can strength the employees skills. 2. Chief executive officer Lowell McAdam would prefer Verizon to be an adhocracy culture. Which the book refers to as a culture that can have an external focus while being flexibility. In this culture Verizon would create innovative products and be adaptable, creative and adaptive to changes in the marketplace. With further reading this type of culture would be most beneficial to a newer company or ones that have constant changes. Lowell McAdam’s proposes implementing a mandatory training for senior leaders which will keep …show more content…

Upon reviewing the eleven processes of cultural change I feel Verizon has used organizational goals and performance criteria to create their culture. In 2011 Verizon set three goals for their company which proved that they were invested in making necessary changes to strengthen their company and be able to stand up to competing companies. Also, it is evident that Verizon cares about the performance as they offer training, attempt to hire those in the top of their class, encourage further training, and even have senior leaders submit an individual accountability plan (IAP). Furthermore, Verizon definitely cares about their name and how it’s interrupted in the business world as they try to keep up with the growing and changing technical

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