Verses 1-10 Shepard Observation

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John 10 Three Part Analysis

Observation Phase
Verses 1- 10:
The Shepard enters through the gate, anyone who comes in another way is a thief. His sheep know and listen to His voice; they follow Him and He calls them by name. The sheep run from strangers and only follow their Shepard. Those who came before Him were thieves who came to kill and destroy. He comes to give us joy life to the fullest. Whoever enters through the gate will be saved, there is no other entrance.

Verses 11-21: He is the good Shepard; the Shepard lays down His life for His sheep. The hired hand does not care for the sheep and abandons them in their time of need. The Shepard knows His sheep and they know Him, just like He knows the Father and the Father knows Him. All the sheep have one Shepard. The Father loves His Son because He lays down His life, that He may take it up again. He lays down His life by …show more content…

Not some of me, but all of me. He laid down His life and took it up with the Father, I will lay down my life to take it up in the Father’s name. He is the only good Shepard. All authority is His given by God. He as conquered sin and grave, death has no hold on Him. Those not of Him do not understand Him because they aren’t of Him. I will not be offended of rejection as I bear His name, and even through rejection His name is glorified. I will not doubt His name because He offers understanding freely. I will seek His voice, and His voice alone. I will tune to the spirit. My life is testimony His grace and goodness. This life is but a pit stop to spread and glorify His name before we see Him face to face where we will praise Him eternally. I cannot be stolen from His hands for He has conquered evil, my God is living and victorious. I will follow those not of God because my joy lies in Christ alone, the things of this world do not care for me. God is making a way, even when I cannot see Him where I