Veteran Affairs Scenarios

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My essay this evening will be about the organization called the Veteran Affairs. This is a federally funded agency whose sole purpose is to take care of the physical, mental and emotional needs of veterans and veterans families. The VA is promoting positive change in the dynamics of how veterans are viewed to outsiders when they see a homeless person or someone with mental issues. There is a program that is used by the VA called Function QUERI (Wang, Virginia, 2018, Vol 13) which stands for Optimizing Function and Independence VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative program and it partners with clinical leaders, veterans and volunteers to evaluate evidence based clinical programs and utilize volunteers and staff to assist veterans who …show more content…

Don’t get me wrong we have homelessness issues and we have thousands who are HIV positive but they do not tie into each other automatically. Unfortunately, though there are veterans like myself who is HIV positive that will end up homeless due to the stress of the disease, the lack of will to go on and the paranoia that comes with having it. The vision though is for the VA to treat the two issues as two separate issues and not as one is a direct cause of the other (Day, Nancy, Mar 2015, p189-198). So far, the plan that is laid out is for shelters ensure that those who are homeless veterans get tested to determine if they have HIV or not and what stage they are in. Second would be to ensure treatment starts right away so that we do deal with a widespread of the disease and make sure that their information is kept confidential so that they are still safe and not threatened in their current environment. Students who may volunteer to work in a homeless shelter will be briefed on safety precautions if need be and the way they can still contribute is to still smile, treat them like they are humans and not like an infection and give veterans some hope that humanity still care if they are around not. Just be encouraging and the positive vibes will …show more content…

Brytny Sharpe, RN at the VA hospital today and she stated, “one challenge we are currently facing is financial issues.” There isn’t enough funding for every program that the VA offers and sometimes it just can’t be avoided. There is money for medical research but not enough to remove those who are HIV positive in the late stage from general population without making them stand out like cold sores on the lip. We have federal funding and donations pouring in but we still need more. The VA can overcome these issues by staying diligent and not giving up hope on the less fortunate. Keep pushing forward on our current path and promote more HIV awareness throughout the year instead of once a year and use our volunteers to tap into their social media sites to help. The Wounded Warrior Project has faced challenges like this in the past and remain positive that their funding goal will be met. This is a non-profit organization that does not benefit personally or are seeking financial gain. They help those veterans who are nowhere near a veteran hospital but can seek treatment for free or small out of pocket