Veterans Poverty Essay

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“Veteran poverty should be unimaginable, but sadly, it is an unpleasant fact today for some veterans” (“The Ugly Face of Veteran Poverty in the United States”). Many homeless veterans are not getting the support they need. People need to be witness to this injustice and stand up for it. “The kind of hope we need is an orientation of the spirit a willingness to position ourselves sometime, someway, someplace in hopeless spaces and be a witness and say something” (Stevenson). Veterans are living in horrible conditions after serving in the military because the government is not providing enough support for veterans. The government has provided support for veterans, but it does not reach out to all veterans. Not all veterans come home homeless. …show more content…

Many veterans are coming home with a psychological disorder. “Between 2000 and 2011 nearly one million veterans were diagnosed with at least one psychological disorder and almost half had multiple disorders, according to a 2014 report of the Institute for Medicine” (Quigley). With almost one million veterans diagnosed with at least one psychological disorder, more veteran’s hospitals need to be built to help treat the ill. In addition, there has been an increase in veterans in need of mental health services. “There has been a surge in demand by veterans for mental health services since returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, with some local providers in California reporting increases of 40 to 60 percent in the numbers of veterans seeking mental health services” (Quigley). Because California had a massive increase in the number of veterans in need of mental health services, more veterans’ hospitals were needed to treat the mentally ill. Since more and more veterans are seeking health services, more veteran’s hospitals are needed to treat the ill. Because the government is not providing enough support for veterans, they are living in horrible conditions after serving in the military. In order to decrease the poverty rate of veterans, the government needs to provide more financial aid. Providing more financial aid will get the homeless veterans off the street. In addition, to treat