
Vices In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Vices are harmful, they cause harm, not just to the victim, also to the community and themselves. Indeed, in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, vices are so strong that they always overpower the virtues following the lives of Jem and Scout Finch. Throughout the book, vices are shown in characters such as Aunt Alexandra, her presence of a mother figure is overpowered by being sexist, Lula, the church goer from First Purchase who proves to be a hypocrite, and Bob Ewell, father of Mayella, were both being racist. People may not be perfect, but they could at least try. To begin, Aunt Alexandra aggressively imposes her views on how to be a lady. Scout talking about Aunt Alexandra’s idea of her wearing pants “Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on …show more content…

In this quotation, Aunt Alexandra is promoting female stereotypes, that all women could not be a proper lady while wearing breeches, and should not be doing things that require pants. This is a vice because, Aunt Alexandra isn’t pushing Scout in a positive direction, she is only putting Scout down about her attire and making her feel uncomfortable. Aunt Alexandra believes that the Finch family is perfect. Proving that Aunt Alexandra is arrogant, she believes the Finch family perfect, saying they lead the perfect family picture. Clearly, Alexandra is incorrect. She may think that the Finches are perfect, yet cousin Joshua stabbed his University professor in the leg. All the other members of …show more content…

He is racist, abusive, and manipulative. Bob is very racist towards coloured people, he said this about Tom Robinson “-I seen that black n***** yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella!” (Lee 175 OB). Bob described Tom as ‘rutting’ on his daughter, which is typically used for dirty animals having intercourse. Therefore, he referenced Tom acting like an animal. He also called him a black n***** very aggressively. Then, Bob is abusive towards Mayella. This is later revealed in the trial, Bob was the one who gave Mayella all the bruises after he found out Mayella came onto Tom. Clearly Bob is abusive to Mayella by abusing her physically by choking her and hitting her because she kissed and hugged Tom. Bob probably beats his other kids too. Bob is very manipulative, later in the trial, it is revealed Bob was the one who abused Mayella that night, then he later made her lie to the court about who hit her. Bob made Mayella tell the court that Tom Robinson came onto her and raped her, yet Bob was the one who abused her. Bob didn’t want to be caught abusing his daughter, so he made her say Tom was the one who abused her. Bob Ewell is a horrible man. He is racist towards coloured people, He abuses his daughter physically, and made her lie to the

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