
Victims Release A Memoir By Gina Dejesus: Article Analysis

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Abuse of Power: Cleveland Abduction The article Cleveland Kidnapping Victims Release a Memoir was written by the Crimesider Staff at CBS News. The thesis of this article is the women who survived the kidnapping; Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus written their own book and their experiences in the house Ariel Castro kept them in for nearly a decade. They named their book “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland”. Amanda Berry kept journals while she was being held captive, the book shifts from her perspective to Gina DeJesus’s. The book also goes through what their families were going through and Castro’s background. Between 2002 and 2004, Castro kidnapped the girls, Michelle Knight was the first one. He kept them locked up inside his own home. But in May of 2013, Amanda Berry snuck through a door helping the women reach their freedom. But while they were in there, it was a nightmare …show more content…

I believe the authors used appropriate methods to gather information. For example, using their own station because all the information is right there for them. The evidence used by the author was accurate because I remember watching the news in 2013 and listening about what happened and my mom telling me about what happened to these girls. The information does help the readers and myself lead us to the same conclusion about how Ariel Castro was a abusive man who took his power to his head and took advantage of these women. I believe the author did build a logical argument with this article. Especially giving specific details about the book and direct quotes. There really isn’t any evidence about a support about a counter-argument because this article is just about the girls releasing a book about a monster who controlled their lives. The article is still valid because people people still remember the “Cleveland Abduction”, there even was a movie made by

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