Victor Frankenstein Personal Responsibility Essay

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1. How do you define personal responsibility? When something bad happens that involves you, how do you know whether or not you bear some responsibility for it? (2 points) A personal responsibility is a person responsible for the cause of the actions. If something bad had happened all because of that person than he or she is fully responsible for it. It depends on the situation but usually there will be factors that cause the happening, and if they are involved in the factor than they should be responsible for it. For instance, when somebody died after eating the restaurant food, then it is fully the restaurant’s fault. If he or she did not eat the food then one would be fine. 2. What do you think of Victor Frankenstein as a student …show more content…

Since he is not responsible, he will not do homework or turn the homework late. However, I admire his enthusiasm, because nobody will do better on things than those who are actually interested in things. He also seems like he has skills, he succeeded on creating a life. Short Essay In questions 3-8 you need to include evidence from the text. You can’t just say Victor loves Elizabeth you need proof from the text to back it you. Also, make sure you answer all parts of the question and make sure you are not vague in your responses. As always, you need a topic sentence, evidence and commentary for each paragraph you write. These should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences. (minimum =B/C grade) 3. Who is Elizabeth and how does Victor feel about her? What does their relationship tell you about Victor’s values and personality? (5 points) Victor said that he loves Elizabeth. He had a good relationship with her and his mom even wanted him to marry her. However, when he moved away from Geneva, he ignored his social life and his family cut off contact with “the woman he loves”. So it kinds of shows that he values his work more than his lover. His personality is more like when he concentrates, he focuses one thing that he was working