Victoria's Secret: Self Image Among Young Women

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Women, in our own minds, we have it set that we are expected to maintain a certain look. That is due to many years of advertisements of women plastered on the television, billboards and magazines. Products are being advertised that say we have to wear this product, or use this product, or drink this product to look sexier or prettier. As quoted by students Frances Black, Gabriella Kountourides, and Laura Ferris, who created a petition, “Every day women are bombarded with advertisements aimed at making them feel insecure about their bodies, in the hope that they will spend money on products that will supposedly make them happier and more beautiful.” These women are now petitioning the Victoria's Secret ad that says " The Perfect Body" Victoria's …show more content…

Self image among young girls occurs so early with all of the media available, and ads like these do not help. This ad had such a negative effect on people. Some young women stood up to the ad, as students Frances Black, Gabriella Kountourides, and Laura Ferris were petitioning for Victoria's Secret to take it down. They earned a small victory Victoria's Secret did change the tag line to "A Body For Every Body". This was a clear sign people were angered with Victoria's Secret because of this ad. Victoria's Secret was body shaming women all over the world, while placing pressure onto young girls that you must have the perfect body. Lastly, Victoria's Secret did show some degree of good judgment by changing the ads, tagline, but they still had the same women on the ad maintaining the visual image of the perfect body. So what kind of message are they still sending? I feel that the logic behind Victoria's Secret advertisement is that they are hoping that if women wear their product that they will feel sexy and confident about themselves, and that they will feel like these women on the "Perfect Body"