
Video Analysis: The Last Mile By Noah St. John

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In the video, The Last Mile a boy named Noah St. John does an incredible job of telling his story in a matter of minutes. Noah is a fifteen-year-old boy who has two mothers. He starts his story by talking about their CRV car that has traveled with his family for miles as they adventured through life. Whenever his mother’s started fighting, they would go on long car drives in the CRV to work out their problems. They also drove the car to activist marches where they courageously made their mark and stood up for what they believed was right. One day, Noah felt like his moms were going to tell him they were getting a divorce. He felt this way after they asked him to take a ride in the CRV. He was terrified and did not want his normal life with his mothers to end. …show more content…

The car was only a few miles away from reaching 100,000 miles. They were going to drive those miles together to represent all that they had been through. They listened to music and looked back on all the obstacles and challenges they overcame as a family. Each mile counted down was more and more thrilling for the family. Each mile was a specific life event that they could say goodbye to and move forward with strength and dignity (2012). Overall, Noah’s story was inspiring and could be used as a form of motivation for other families who struggle with the judgmental world around them. Families with gay parents need support and encouragement from other families that have similar stories. It is a video of empowerment and passion that should make people want to take a stand for diverse families in our

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