Video Games And Public Safety Essay

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A couple of footsteps can be heard outside. You mumble to your teammates to watch the side door. Gunshots are heard, a message pops up, and screams of joy are heard through the microphone. Another man is down and your team is one step closer to winning the game. Games were created to immerse people into a fantasy world and experience adventures that would otherwise never occur. David Walsh reports in his paper, “Video Game Violence and Public Safety” of the negative effects of violent video games. As recent video game genre, battle royale, arises above others, a trend of more violent behavior also arises. Due to the immersive capabilities of games, children playing violent video game genres are put inside worlds where they feel as if they …show more content…

Due to the unique experience offered by video games today, play these games, usually hours at a time. According to Walsh of the National Institute on Media and the Family almost every four out five children ranging from seven to seventeen play video games for around eight hours per week (Walsh). Due to the large amount of children playing games, analysis is much more accurate. From this large pool of data, many things can be concluded with utmost certainty. Testings on children reported more aggressive behavior after playing violent games. Because games mimic the reality, violent games caused children’s hearts to beat faster and act in certain ways that those in real violent situations are in (Walsh). The actions inside violent alternate realities in games, cause children’s brains to experience certain emotions and obtain certain mentalities leaning towards aggression. These mentalities carry over into the real-world, mainly because the child cannot differentiate between the alternate reality in game and real life. This causes overly aggressive behavior in children. As a teenager in this era of violent games, specifically Battle Royale games, this scientific evidence is surprisingly

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