Vietnam War Essay

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The Vietnam War was a conflict between Vietnam and the United States (U.S) that hurt Americans physically and morally as it split the United States and turned everyone against each other over differing beliefs. The U.S. fought long and hard to put down the Viet Cong and gained many problems while doing so. The United States government corruption at home and on the battlefield was one of the major issues. These issues caused American civilians to protest the war and begin to resent the government officials and soldiers. This ten year long conflict in which the United States fought to stop the spread of communism, took a toll on American society by dividing it against itself.
The Vietnam War was the most hated conflict in United States history. …show more content…

military, who trained and supplied his army along American lines (Spector, 2022). U.S. aid agencies helped Diem to keep his economy stable and to settle refugees who had fled the North (Spector, 2022). In 1955, Diem declared himself President of the Republic of Vietnam(Spector, 2022). Ngo Dinh Diem, with the help of the United States, was able to take control of South Vietnam. The South was now in order with its new president Ngo Dinh Diem and the help and funding from the …show more content…

soldiers. A company of American soldiers brutally murdered many women and children in the village of My Lai ( Editors, 2009). My Lai was suspected to be a stronghold for the Viet Cong ( Editors, 2009). Charlie Company was the name of the division who was set to carry out a search and destroy mission in My Lai ( Editors, 2009). A division of U.S. soldiers was sent to My Lai on a search and destroy mission suspected to be a Viet Cong stronghold, and ended up murdering innocent civilians. After the My Lai Massacre the U.S. was faced with heavy criticism and