Vik Munniz Analysis

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Vik Muniz: He resolved a fight and he got shot by and man and in return for an apology he got money and came to america. He is wondering if art can change humanity They show a kindergarten classroom and how they watch a video on how he has to go in a garbage landfill and work there. The garbage area was visible from space. He states how it has a lot to do with class. People aren 't depressed rather proud of what they are doing. He wants the make portraits for the people and help them out. Zumbi picks out good books to read There is a man that introduces himself and he said he is proud to be a landfill picker . Questions: Describe the different attitudes toward the inhabitants of the Jardim Gramacho landfill; throughout the course of …show more content…

Vik Muniz has a artistic process in which he makes a piece of art, sometimes by the help of people and he also photographs it. An example can be the piece of art he created of the man that was in the tub. He set up the area for it to seem like he 's covered with a cloth and he made a certain type of scenery; Once he had achieved his desired look he took the picture added garbage to add personal meaning to the photograph and he photographed it. Another example can be the brown sugar he used for contouring to represent the sugar fields. He uses items with meaning to the subject and includes it in his work. 3. What materials does he traditionally use? How is his material choice affected by the landfill environment? He uses materials that are important to the subject matter. He finds an intimate relationship because he is a intermediate artist. His material choice in the documentary is influenced by being in a landfill environment and he uses garbage/sugar in shadows as a form to …show more content…

5. Andy Goldsworthy spoke of having to live with the artistic medium (for Andy it was the land and the people and their history) to understand it and ultimately make it into art. How does this statement relate to the experience and process that Vik Muniz has in creating photographs of the inhabitants of the landfill? This statement relates to Vik Muniz because like Andy Goldsworthy, Vik also went to a land known as the “Wasteland” and he became familiar to the people inhabiting there and their personal stories of their deterrents. Very much like Andy, Vik involves the environment in his art as a representation of the basis of the artwork. Like Andy explored the sides of the roads that were influenced by the people, Vik explored the overall landscape of the wasteland and made points such as, it being seen from outer space to explain the extent of the human impact. 6. A definition of art could include a “transformative experience”, by which the viewer is changed through interaction with the art-object, Map out the transformations in the documentary. In the map identify who is transformed, what object/ experience transforms them, and give a brief statement of what attitude was changed. Once you 've completed the map, answer the following questions: was the transformative art the photographs, the sculptures, or the interaction between people? Give reasons to support your