Vinoy Place Case Study Essay

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Vinoy Place Condominium Association is a luxury high rise property with the goal of being the premier property of downtown St. Petersburg. With 102 condo units valued over $500 per square foot and an annual budget of over 1.5 million it is critical that Vinoy Place operates at a highly effective level. From my observations of the Vinoy Place entities I do believe they achieve this goal. What I saw was an extremely strong board of directors who pay attention to detail, understand their roles, and ensure they fulfil their fiduciary duties to the association. The highly intelligent and qualified board oversees a strong manager, Jill Silverman, who is highly praised by them. The board’s happiness is evidence that the manager is doing a great job and works well with them. Jill also had a …show more content…

Jill and the board both agreed that this method was the best way to operate effectively at Vinoy Place. The on-site staff appears to work well together and has a whole I would say that Vinoy Place is operationally effective. One suggestion I have given the size and scale of Vinoy Place and the attention that it requires is to create some sort of digital work order system for the maintenance staff. Envision the manager walking around property with an ipad and notices something that needs to be done. She could quickly enter a work order with a picture and location of the problem which would instantly go to the iphone being carried by one of the maintenance staff. Some work orders would be urgent and alert the maintenance staff immediately while of less importance others will wait in the que and when the maintenance staff has downtime they can look at complete those work orders. Once the maintenance staff changes the status of the work order to “completed” it is removed from the que and the manager is

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