Violence And Aggression In Sport: An Introduction To Exercise Science

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The article “Violence and Aggression in Sport” appears in Kinesiology an Introduction to Exercise Science. The article mainly focuses on, the negative impact of sports violence and aggression not only takes place on the field but, among participants off the field, among fans, and officials and coaches. Violence and Aggression within the Competition “Some level of violence and aggression within competition is tolerated and even “encouraged” in contact sports” (100). Many football coaches encourage athletes to “hit hard but hit legal” (100). However this act even appears in sports that are not considered contact-filled. “The best example would be a baseball pitcher may throw a 150km/h pitch at the head of a batter to “encourage” the batter not to stand too close to home plate” (100). Violence and Aggression off the field …show more content…

There is been a “number of reports of domestic violence involving athletes as well as reports of incidents in other social settings” (100). Athletes are trained to solve conflicts by violence “such as hitting opponents with a hard check or shoulder bump” (100). Consequently, “many athletes are unable to turn off that training mode off the field (100), from the number of reports of off the field violence suggests that it is a serious problem within sports communities and a threat within the society in general. Violence and Aggression among fans Soccer is known for violence and aggression among fans. Some fans are extremely passionate about the game that they would fight the fans of the opposing team. Many supporters’ fights have ended in serious injuries and deaths. As a result, “FIFA, (the world soccer organization) have reacted by fining teams, banning them from competition or forcing them to play games in empty stadiums”(101) Violence and Aggression against Officials and

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