Violence In Viramontes 'The Broken Web'

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In a diverse society like the one of today, equality among members is a critical issue affecting the harmony in the society. Viramontes` story “The Broken Web” goes a long way into depicting the struggles and hardship that women in such diverse societies go through. The story covers the life of a lady named Martha who is haunted by repressed family memories. It is developed into a chain of revelations of how her father, Tomas oppressed her mother. Tomas beat while at the same time cheated on her mother. However, the mother retaliated and finally killed Tomas, this a story of a woman dealing with violence in her young age. In the story, various social issues such as gender, immigration and violence are highlighted. Through Martha, the story shows how women have to struggle with the special problem of being women. In addition, they have to struggle with other social …show more content…

This act puts the story in the real life experience where the life of a human being is considered most precious and should not be wasted. This woman`s also suffers literal incarceration as punishment for the murder of her husband. This scene addresses violence in the society and more precisely domestic violence. The story suggests that victims of violence should be in a position to stand up for their rights but in a lawful manner. This story of “The broken Web” critiques structures of Chicana culture through illustration of cultural hybridity. The aspect of domination is prevalent in the culture with men having control of the women. The women are deprived most common right being subjected to control by their partners. Issues of oppression are addresses and it indicates how different levels of oppression can interact in specific contexts. This is evident through the series of oppression that takes place in Martha`s dream and the actual oppression that here mother went through in the hands of her