Virchow Accomplishments

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Rudolf Virchow was a german scientist. He had many findings in his medical career. his first major discovery as a scientist was the cancer cell leukemia. After his findings of the cancer leukemia he tried to take his findings to the media to publish them. the media detained him and what he had found. Soonly after he did the first autopsy which was a successful and they wore able to learn a lot from that one precision operation on the body Rudolf Virchow was born is october 13 1821. He went to school at the prussian military academy. He went to the academy in 1839 and he graduated in 1843. He was the only child in his family. Right out of his career at the military he had other ideas on to what he would become. he had a couple ideas of what he wanted to be. The first one was to become a pastor for a church then after that he wanted to be a preacher. Then after 1843 he had many opportunities to become a doctor going through many medical jobs at his time. He did not only go through all those jobs but he also had 3 more areas outside of his medical profession.He was an editor of several medical journals, politician, and anthropologist. In 1902 rudolf virchow was done with his career. At the age of 80 rudolf virchow died due …show more content…

He also discovered the the cancer cell leukemia. This type of cancer is not contagious. leukemia is a type of cancer that goes through your blood cells and affects your bones. the white blood cells that usually are the good ones get split up and damaged. since their is no more blood cells to fight off the cancer the cancer goes freely through your body. In his discoveries he found that their wants only one form of leukemia. Their was four types of this specific cancer cell. the four different types of this cancer are chronic,acute,lymphocytic myelogenous.Not only in his discovery in leukemia he found about cellular pathology. he found out that it looks at