Virtual Child Cumulative Assignment

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Virtual Child Cumulative Assignment 30 marks
Due Date: March 28th or 29th (date of your small group tutorial class) to the Dropbox
1. Complete the online ' Virtual Child " raising your baby until 24 months. 10 marks
Completed online March 27, 2016
2.Write a brief paragraph to tell me about your baby. Include highlights you think best describe your bundle of joy! 3 marks
My labour with Olivia was about ten hours long, and I gave birth to her naturally. Olivia was born with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. When Olivia was first born she would only sleep for about two hours at a time, but then when she woke up; she was ready to party (baby-style). Olivia took to breast feeding within the first day, and was feeding heartily within the first …show more content…

Olivia’s day received an advancement and a pay raise at work. The family celebrate with Olivia, but unfortunately, Olivia doesn’t have a clue what the party is about. Olivia has learned a few words in Spanish from a neighbor child.
Macrosystem: Olivia’s background is of Ukraine and Welsh descent. Our family celebrates all the traditional holidays; which Olivia has been involved in. Overall Olivia has been healthy.
4.What are strengths and weaknesses of your baby? 2 marks
*Olivia’s strengths are, she is above age-norms for building a block tower from following a sample and other spatial skills such as copying shapes, coloring within the lines and solving picture puzzles; Olivia has mastered her gross motor skills and she is beginning to concentrate for longer periods.
*Olivia’s weaknesses are that she can become aggressive with the other kids when they will try and grab a toy from her or when she doesn’t get her own way. Olivia also is very shy and clings to me in new situations.

5. Choose one decision you had to make and discuss how you made your decision (based on how you were raised? readings? advice from others?) 2 …show more content…

I decided to go back to work part time; I felt this option was the best for Olivia, because I can get out and make a bit of money and Olivia can learn to interact with other children. I made this decision from my real life experience; I worked part time when my sons were growing up and it was beneficial for our family.

6.Choose any age of development for your baby and any developmental domain and link your child' s development to any stage of any theory we have covered in class or in your textbook. 5 marks
Olivia at the age of 12 months old was developing cognitive skills of spatial problem solving by being able to find an item hidden under two different items; she can even find an item that I switched from hand to hand! Ivan Pavlov theory of classical conditioning best describes what Olivia is able to do. She is learning where an object is by repetitive actions.
7. What did you learn from this assignment? 3 marks
I learned from this assignment that the personality traits that I had growing up really does effect how my children’s personality traits develop. I found it interesting that my Virtual Child is very similar how I was growing up. When I was her age I was very hyper but shy at the same time; Olivia is very hyper but at the same time very

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