Virtue Ethical Theory

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Rights theory or otherwise known as the social contract theory is the theory containing rights that are made up and agreed upon in societies or specific group of people. Virtue ethics is ethics involving the use of virtues and how to use the those virtues to live a fulfilling life. Right theory seems to create and result in more benefits overall in the end, thus being a better model and leading to better results. The point of ethics on choosing a way to live is to achieve happiness. Happiness is the only good that is intrinsically good. We get there by being in a state of well-being and by taking the action of being-well. What we should strive for in life is living a life well or excellently. It can be flexible when used for different people and in certain situations. Social contract theory helps to protect the own safety by having the security …show more content…

To have good character means that the person you are living according to reason or having a life with reason. If you were to live excellently, then you would live according to reason. Virtues are the middle ground between two extremes of behavior, or in other words, it is the balance of two extremes of a virtue. The two extremes are a deficiency of one and an excess. Both extremes create a balance for one another and the virtue. An example of a viture that has two extremes is courage, the deficiency of this virtue is cowardice and the excess of it is foolhardy. If you can be courageous then you can be a successful human being. You have to figure out the middle ground but living within reason, however you have to do it habitually. Since we can think rationally, we should choose to act according to the virtues; this means choosing the middle ground between any two extremes but sometimes it is a matter of