Essay On Hindu Trinity

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Vishnu, the second god of the Hindu Trinity is majorly known for his Dashavtars (Ten Avatars) on this planet meant to re-establish dharma or righteousness and destroy tyranny and injustice on earth. The first one being, Matsya (The fish), who rescued Veda, plants and animals. One of the ten avatars, that appeared in Satya Yuga. The second one, Koorma (The Tortoise), that supported the churn of the ocean to obtain treasures dissolved in the ocean of milk. The third one is, Varaha (The Boar), that raised the earth from the bottom of the sea. The fourth one is Narsimha (The Loin Man) who defied classification and overpowered mortals who seek to outwit death. The fifth one being, Vamana (The Dwarf), who claimed the sky from the gods and buried the demons in the underbelly of the earth. The sixth avatar was of Pashurama (The Angry Man), the priest who turned to violence to kill unrighteous kings and unchaste women. The seventh avatar was of the Lord Ram (The perfect man; the king of Ayodhya) who uploads old rules at the cost of personal life. His eighth avatar was of Lord Krishna (The Divine Staesman) Cowherd/ charioteer/ stateman who shrewdly changed rules. The ninth avatar was that of Balram (Elder Brother of Krishna). One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Dwapara Yuga. In many versions of the mythology, the ninth incarnation is often …show more content…

She was introduced in Hindu Mythology during the Mahabharata, tricking the demons, Asuras, of the Amrita and giving it all to the immortal gods, Devas. Mohini is the only form of Vishnu in the feminine form. The name Mohini has been derived from the Sanskrit root word, “moha” which means “to enchant, disillusion or perplex”. Hence, Mohini comes to mean a temptress who uses her erotic nature and charm to lure those in love with her, to their doom. It can also imply the quintessence of female exquisiteness and

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