Visual Comparison: Gianlorenzo Bernini

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Pair #2: Visual Comparison 

 The first work being analyzed is Gianlorenzo Bernini’s David done in 1623 that today resides in Rome. This is an impressive life size marble sculpture and a typical work of the Baroque style. The Baroque style is a European form of expression used in the seventeenth century. The characteristics of the Baroque style were the use of exciting contrasts of light and shade, disorderly arrangement and a very obvious expression of emotions. Bernini created his sculptures using marble and sharp chisels were used to carefully carve the detail. The art of carving is what is referred to as a subtractive method whereby the sculpture takes shape by removing material from a larger form such as wood, stone or other using …show more content…

1446-1460 that currently resides in Florence, Italy. This statue is just over 5 feet tall and is made of bronze. The work is a portrayal of David and Goliath the giant. The style is referred to as contrapposto that is a posture where the forms weight shifted to one foot causing the upper body to shift in order to remain stable. Art of the Renaissance period tried to encapsulate the person’s appearance and actions in a very natural way. This piece was the first of three well-known David’s and the first freestanding bronze cast statue during this time period. Donatello achieved softness in the statue demonstrated by the posture of David and how his leg is positioned on Goliath’s head and the position of his hands. There is a contrast between David’s smooth skin and the coarseness of the boots and curly hair. The element of touch is evident in the feather brushing David’s thigh and in how his toes are entwined in the curly beard of …show more content…

Both are free standing full body sculptures that are carved using a subtractive technique and very figurative and realistic. The physical proportions expressed by both David’s are symmetrical and they propose a near perfect depiction of the human figure. Both of the silhouettes are closed, getting the viewer to focus on the subject matter within boundaries. They differ with respect to the material used and the level of detail. Bernini’s David is depicted at the moment of battle and it contravenes the viewer’s space. The power and rigidity of David’s figure livens the space surrounding him and suggests that a rival exists. Donatello’s David on the other hand is depicted as a young and not fully matured boy who conquered the powerful armoured Goliath perhaps with God’s help and not through his own force given that he is a young boy and not a grown man. The statue suggests a triumph of good over evil as David’s facial expression and posture appears thoughtful and

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