Volcanoes In Pompeii

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The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD is very fascinating. Mt. Vesuvius was a volcano that destroyed the city of Pompeii, Italy in the year 79 AD. The city of Pompeii is located 5 miles from the now dormant Mt. Vesuvius. Before the eruption, Pompeii was a thriving city in southern Italy. The city of Pompeii was really a place where wealthy people came to relax. In general it was a very rich city with many nice houses and villas. Tourists all over Italy came to Pompeii for the cafes, shops and leisure. At the time of the eruption 2,000 residents were residing in Pompeii and surrounding land which was destroyed by this massive eruption. A volcano is a mountain that has a magma chamber below ground level. When pressure in the mountain builds …show more content…

Secondary hazards are things like ground shaking, landslides and other natural disasters that come from the ground. The primary hazards can cause secondary hazards. Volcanoes can kill many people. This becomes painfully clear in the 1980 eruption of Mt St. Helens, where 57 people died. Volcanoes are very dangerous. They can erupt and send scorching hot lava down the mountain. They also litter dust and stuff onto the ground. Some facts about volcanoes are the danger area around a volcano covers about a 20-mile radius. Another fact about volcanoes is some volcanoes in Hawaii can get as hot as 1,165 fahrenheit. With the glowing reddish orange colored lava can get higher than 1,600 fahrenheit according to USGS. Also when rock is seriously melting, such as the magma within the Hawaiian volcano of Kilauea , it can reach 2,120 F, according to …show more content…

This lesson can help us evacuate areas prior to the actual eruption of the volcano. The lesson learned was one of ignoring the signs that an eruption would occur. For a few days before the actual eruption, there were many small earthquakes happening. These were precursors to the actual earthquake. Unfortunately, most of the residents ignored these signs because these tremors had occurred before. Also, the mountain had been smoking for a little while but they did not evacuate. Since volcanoes usually provide warning signs, we can learn to heed these warnings and evacuate early as we saw what happened to the city which did not heed the warning signs of Mt. Vesuvius. This important lesson can help save many lives in future volcanic eruptions to come.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is not the only big eruption. Others can easily devastate a thriving city like Pompeii if gone unnoticed. The lessons from Mount Vesuvius can teach us to prepare for these disasters and reduce death tolls dramatically by evacuating people prior to the eruption. Mt. Vesuvius devastated Pompeii, covering people and destroying the city. Mt. Vesuvius teaches us that a thriving city can be reduced to rubble if the warnings are ignored. In conclusion, Mt. Vesuvius is a horrible eruption that teaches us to pay attention to the warning signs of volcanoes before they

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