Volkswagen: Business Ethics And Bad Behavior

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1) Search and identify TWO (2) journals or articles that relates to business ethics. Explain in your own words about the range of moral issues and values that arise in various business contexts.
Articles of Volkswagen Business Ethics and Bad Behavior – What now?

From the Volkswagen news, I explained briefly what happened so far to this company. At year 2015, Volkswagen became worldwide number 1 car-producer, compare with former champion Toyota. However, the US-American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accused Volkswagen of cheating emissions tests in the US and EPA found many VW cars had a “defeat device” or software installed in diesel engines that could use to cheat on emissions tests; when not being tested, the cars emit up to 40 times the allowable levels of nitrogen oxide pollution. This emissions scandal is a disturbing case of systematic corporate fraud that has harmed customers, governments, and the health and well-being of citizens in the societies in which Volkswagen has been given the license to operate.
So from the business ethics point of view, another area for analysis concerns the embeddedness of ethics in organizational policies and culture. The effective implementation of ethics and compliance …show more content…

After the completion of the ethical training program, an employee can be rewarded for positive behavior, so that the employee will not only continue to adhere to the ethical practices but also be an inspiration to his colleagues. Therefore, it is important that employers identify and reward employees who stick to ethical practices, despite tempting situations. employees who exhibit ethical behavior are not going unnoticed and are being appreciated, openly and in front of everyone. This can include a multitude of rewards that are not restricted to cash bonuses, but can also include non-monetary rewards, such as gym memberships, free parking, extra vacation time,