Vulgar Music

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The real risk of vulgar music Music acts as the rhythm to our lives, being played in a grocery store, on the radio,and even as a little jingle for a product nobody needs. Music affects individuals a lot more than people in both positive and negative ways, The most negative music is purely vulgar and contains illegal activities for the sole reason of being popular.This kind of music is becoming increasingly common in our culture. People, especially youth, are starting to mimic the behaviors within the music as the result of the influence it has .The vulgar contents are negatively affecting the people who listen to and it’s influencing them to do bad things.Modern music has too much vulgarity solely for the purpose of being popular and people should be extremely wary of it and its effects.The growing popularity of it is also a factor on its influence on society and It will continue to have a detrimental effect on society if it continues Music is a powerful medium that has a large influence on its listeners.Since this is true, music should not be overly vulgar and descriptive of illegal and obscene topics or actions.This is true because music, especially the unnecessarily vulgar kind, effects its listeners .However occasions exist in which this kind of music is used for a very specific purpose, such as to describe a traumatic addiction or incident.Music should not have overly inappropriate themes just because they are popular, but instead it should convey an experience or