W. E. B. Du Bois, Richard Wright, And Gunnar Myrdal

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Dave Matthews of the Dave Mathews Band was asked about the inspiration for the song, “Gaucho,” and he replied with this statement. “The saddest part of the human race is we’re obsessed with this idea of ‘us and them,’ which is really a no-win situation whether it’s racial, cultural, religious or political.” W.E.B. Du Bois, Richard Wright, and Gunnar Myrdal wrote about race in the United States. Each of them wrote from different perspectives and their writings reflected that. …show more content…

They were ashamed because of the perpetuation of human slavery and that they needed the black man’s help to save the country. He used Helen Boardman’s study of current textbooks of the time that documented three dominant themes: All Negroes were ignorant; All Negroes were lazy, dishonest and extravagant; and Negroes were responsible for bad government during Reconstruction. Wright believed and showed us through his writing that African Americans acted one way when around white people in order to avoid trouble and a different way when around blacks. Myrdal realized that during his study, he had to look at the whole of American culture in order to understand why the Negro was felt to be a problem for the whites in America. He determined that the white people want to eliminate the Negro from the American scene, but want to do that slowly. Then, he says that overall the American Creed has its stress on the value and dignity of the individual human being, and applies to all people, independent of creed, color, or