Main Causes Of World War I

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The main causes for World War I are bountiful and important to consider. One of the most important causes was that there was a mutual alliance set across Europe so if a country got attacked, countries would have to get involved in the situation as well which turns it into a bigger situation which forced many of the “powerhouses” to get involved. In this case, when the assassin from Serbia killed the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, other countries had to comply with their alliances, which brought Britain, France, Russia, and Germany just to name a few. More countries, even if not willing, had to get involved. For example, when Austria Hungary ordered to attack Serbia, Germany came into the war by vowing to protect Austria Hungary. In response, …show more content…

Imperialism was going on and heavily impacting countries all around the world. This means that there is an unequal relationship, forced on other countries and peoples. The results of imperialism is the complete domination and subordination of economics, culture, and territories. To give examples, Germany was an ambitious and young nation. The German states had become a united country only in 1871 as a result of victorious wars against Austria and France. Soon enough. the German empire, had emerged as one of the most powerful nations on Europe. Quickly rising in power, Germany was competing with powerful neighbors for trade, influence, and colonies overseas.
Great Britain and France, the leading colonial powers, ruled much of the world beyond the shores of Europe. They each possessed a far-flung network of colonies, a source of immense riches.Germany, a latecomer to the “race” for the oversea possession had only a few colonies in Africa and in the Pacific. Striving to be recognized, Germany fought to extend its influence in the few remaining areas of the world that were not under French or British …show more content…

The spark of the great war happened because of the assassination of the Archduke of Austria Hungary. Serbian nationalists had turned their attention back to the idea of “liberating” the South Slavs of Austria-Hungary. Believing that the Serbs’ cause would be served by the death of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph, and learning that the Archduke was about to visit Bosnia on a tour of military inspection, Apis plotted the archduke’s assassination. The Serbian prime minister and an enemy of Apis heard of the plot and warned the Austrian government of it, but his message was too cautiously worded to be clearly