Roles Of Women During World War I

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History project world war one Group: Mare Nienke Esther Emma Assignment Nr of points Esther 1.1 + 2.3 1 + 1.5 Nienke 3.3 2 Emma 3.1 2 Mare 4.2 3 (or 4, translated the poems) -----+ 9.5 (or 10.5, see above) 1914 July 28: Austria-Hungary got in war with Serbia August 1: Germany declared war on Russia August 3: Germany declared war on France August 4: Germany invades Belgium, then the United Kingdom declares war on Germany Sept 6: Start of the Battle of the Marne Oct 18: Start of the battle of Ypres Oct 28: On Germany’s side Turkey entered 1915 Feb 19: Turkish forts were bombared by Britain in Dardanelles April 25: In Gallipolli Alied troops were landed May 23: Italy declared war on Germany and Austria August 5: Warsaw …show more content…

Many woman had to gave up their husband, son or brother, because they had to fight for the country. The women had to take over the jobs that men would usually do while take care of the family. The government thought women were less in value then men, but because they took over the jobs that men would do the government changed their opinion that women can be good for sonmething. This was the first change in the position of women. Three quarter of the women in the United Kingdom were before the war housewife and a qaurter worked outside of the house. In 1916 when the conscription was introduced, the women took over the jobs that men used to do. They did various jobs like work in a factory or printer or everything else you can think of. Many women also joined the Women’s Land Army what was set up in 1916. The women who joined the Women’s Land Army spent their time during the war working on the land. The women who had a high position in society mostly did jobs like helping on the First Aid by driving the ambulance or by being a …show more content…

Alleen de roekeloosheid van de pistolen Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Alleen de stotterende geweren snel ratelend Can patter out their hasty orisons. Kunnen snel pratend hun haastige gebeden zeggen No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; Geen zinloze ceremonies voor hun. Geen gebeden of bellen Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, – Geen geluid van rouw behalve het koor The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; De schrille demente koren van jammerende schelpen And bugles calling for them from sad shires. En trompetten trompetteren van de verdrietige provincies What candles may be held to speed them all? Welke kaarsen worden aangestoken om ze allen weer kracht te geven Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes Niet in de handen van de jongens maar in hun ogen Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. Zal de heilige glans van gedag schijnen The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; The bleekheid van meisjes’ wenkbrauw zal hun?? Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, Hun bloem de zachtheid van de gedachten van patienten And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. En elke langzame donkerheid die komt voor blinden Here dead we