Waal Ahma Buy A Gun Analysis

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David thinks owning a gun is a solution to get a “power”. The symbolic meaning of a “gun” and the “power” which comes with it can help him to gain manhood and authority. To support that the writer clarifies, saying “Ahm ol ernough to hava gun. Ahm seventeen. Almost a man” (wright parg#1). The word “Ahm ol enough” and “Almost a man” explains that he is not yet man, but ready to transition to manhood. The writer articulates clearly “‘Waal, Ahma buy a gun’” (Wright par# 16). The word ‘buy’ can explain the absence of the ‘gun’ which is a representative of his men’s and ability of supremacy. There is always ups and down in life which is also happening to Mr. David. When he plans to buy a gun, the white gun owner starts to humiliate him. He expresses