Walgreens Marketing Strategy

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A great source of protein and a wonderful choice for breakfast, eggs have been a staple of the American diet for many years. They come in many sizes and colors and can be found at every grocery store. My favorite eggs are from Natural Grocers because they have cage free and free range eggs which means that the chickens have enough room to freely roam without being caged. They also sell eggs without hormones or growth promoters. Hormones and growth promoters are unhealthy and accelerate the chicken's growth and egg-laying rate. As a result, Natural Grocers can sell the eggs for a higher price than other stores. They market to a certain crowd which might prefer these qualities in eggs. Also, Natural Grocers offers special prices for members. …show more content…

A gallon of Milk Smith's, Walmart, Target, Walgreen's, Natural Grocers and Trader Joes all have similar quality milk, and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. These stores use bright colors, ads, and sales to promote their product which induces more people to buy their milk. It appeals to the eyes, which is how most businesses advertise. Walgreens stands out because they charge more for an average gallon of milk than any other chain store. If I choose to shop at Walgreen's, I pay for the convenience of a short drive. Personally, I think Walgreen's prices are ridiculous. I would rather drive farther than pay for convenience. All these stores buy pasteurized milk, which is milk that has been heated to a certain temperature to kill the bad bacteria. Unfortunately, it also kills the good bacteria along with the bad which makes it much less healthy. Other than that, the milk is of a generally good quality. We choose to drink raw milk which is unpasteurized, but it costs much more than "normal" milk. The milk we buy is $12.00 per gallon, but my family is willing to make the sacrifice as it is much healthier. Recently, raw milk has been made illegal in New Mexico and we can only purchase it from certain places. This scarcity contributes to the expensive price. My opinion is that raw milk is healthier but I wish it was accessible to more people. Families should buy what works for them. We drink a lot of milk, so we want the healthier option, but the family next door might not use as much milk and opt for the cheaper

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