Walker Percy The Loss Of The Creature Summary

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“The Loss of the Creature” is a strong essay written by Walker Percy who expresses his vision of the world by claiming how a prepackaged idea over something, can potentially create a different outlook of what the individual sees. This essay supports the idea that Percy presents with the “loss of sovereignty” and how we digressed as a changing economy. Percy presents many examples how one needs to be lost to encounter through different symbolic complexes. Percy believes people need a true experience to get rid of all the social biases one has already heard. The loss of sovereignty is another part of this essay which creates a symbolic complex. Percy explains the loss of sovereignty in this world, and how people try to measure up to the expectations of …show more content…

The two experience a remarkable social event, yet are unsatisfied with its beauty until they hear it from an expert – “they need an ethnologist to affirm that their experience was without a doubt exceptional” (289-299). Percy then expands upon this idea into a more extensive issue regretting the layman’s reliance on the master and the customer’s willful loss of sovereignty. Percy constructs his claim with respect to an example made up by none other than himself, a procedure that gives his crowd motivation to address whether the example is excessively invented. He questions himself when he doubts the tourist couple, he states: “We wonder if there is something wrong in their dislike of their compatriots. Does access to the place require the exclusion of others” (299). This comment is adequately immaculate, yet applying Percy's next former articulation can cause dispute between individuals; Percy states, “If the place is seen by a million sightseers, a single sightseer does not receive value p but a millionth part of value P” (298). Percy claims that “others” seeing the same object is less