Walmart Sustainability Report

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Earlier this semester, our group that consist of me, Kylie Sanderson, Wes Weisenberger, and Dylan Bradley, were given a topic for our group project. The topic that was given to us was “Sustainability.” During the time given in class, we debated on how and who were going to do this subject on. At first we talked about doing the topic on Meijer’s, then we talked about Gordon’s. While doing research on Gordon’s, we found a website that talked about the four aspects of sustainability. According to, the four aspects of sustainability are: environmental, social, cultural, and economic. Our group decided that this would be great to …show more content…

Companies like Walmart, Meijer and Kroger compete every day to be the leading store in the economy. While looking at these companies, I decided to look at their mission statement on their website to see how they deal with the economy or economics. While researching Walmart, on their website they talked about energy, waste, product and responsible sourcing sustainability. When it comes to economic, responsible sourcing is a great way to be sustainable. Walmart states on their website that they’re “committed to working with suppliers and other stakeholders to continue to drive responsibility in their global supply chain.” They also talked about their products and the economy. On their website, they state that their “suppliers and stakeholders are working hard to exceed the expectations of having products that customers can afford and products that are produced in an environmentally responsible way.” They also state that they are “making sustainability part of how we buy and sell merchandise around the world.” With these things in motion, this allows Walmart to be sustainable. After researching Walmart, I researched Kroger. Kroger was the only company that I saw had an economic page on their website. On their website, they stated that they are the largest grocery retailer in the U.S and that they employ nearly “400,000 associates.” They also state on their website that the company’s “37 manufacturing plants produce about 40% of the corporate brand”’ that is sold in their stores. They also went on to talk about their shareholders as well. After researching Kroger, I researched Meijer. As I looked on Meijer’s website, it did not state anything about economic sustainability. Their website had little boxes that talked about their

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