Walt Disney Company Essay

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Ahmani Nkwodimmah HRM 312 – Spring 2017 Wilmington University Identify and describe the problems presented with the existing HR structure at Walt Disney as it relates to supporting the business. The problems presented with the existing HR structure at Walt Disney are the fact that HR is using loosely integrated applications, with each of their own reporting tool. This means that they have several applications that they have to use in order to complete basic HR functions, the applications should be intertwined so that making reports can be done while using the same application. Next, the system that is being used only allows HR to answer targeted questions based on HR specific HR functions. This is hindering HR from answering …show more content…

Another goal of the company is to improve upon their analytical structure. The document states that the goal of improved analytics include developing internal marketing, motivating change and developing comprehensive processes. Not only was the Walt Disney Company was able to state their goals, they were also able to describe ways that the goals could be reached. Reaching the goal of integrated global reporting begins with global, regional and outsourced processes. After the processes are recognized, the system is then broken down into four components which are talent acquisition and comprehensive planning, as they correlate with the global process. The next two are talent development, and learning and development, as they relate to the outsourced process. There is also a third party partner section under “system”, which include Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, Hewitt and CIGNA. After the system, comes the data portion, which is the last step before reaching global reporting. The data portion has 4 total units overall, but two factors. The first factor is the internal system of record which include SAP, DDC, and the talent development database. The second factor is the reporting data warehouse which handles applications, benefits, payroll, etc. Lastly, global reporting is the final outcome of each of the previously mentioned components. Global reporting includes, ad hoc, analytics, workforce intelligence, dashboards and modeling internal and market

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