Walt Whitman Research Paper

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FINAL PAPER ON AMERICAN LITERATURE Question 2: Consider our idea of using language to create realities in America. Discuss how your three writers do that. Whitman Walt, Williams Carlos Williams and Audre Lorde are three American poetic writers in the American Literature. These writers used symbolism, metaphor, nature and imagery in their language tools of writing. Whitman, related his poet to the growth and changes that occurred in his life, thereby giving nature the room to do his work without withholding it, whereas Williams poems talks more about his life towards moving forward and achieving his goal expectation in life. Williams poet, talks more about ‘’glazed with rain water’’ which is …show more content…

The ‘’song of myself ‘’as it been called takes the readers mind deeply on the journey of an epic thereby bringing in many settings, time periods, viewpoints, including the use of personas. ‘’Song of myself ‘’by Whitman happened to been very confuse met the reader as the plot setting wasn’t clearly written for me to understand what exactly Whitman is trying to project in his writing instead, the writer Whitman tend to toss into many ideas, characters, symbols, themes, nature and images all at once thereby making his reader to be lost why trying to catch up with his words. And because of that, the reader keeps going back and forth in order to find an understanding of Whitman’s poetic story. Whitman, in his poem tend to project philosophy in his preaching in other to explain his ideas to his readers, such as when he said ‘’ for what I assume you assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you’’. Therefore, this quote made by Whitman is a language of metaphor because he tend to express his deep feelings and that of his fellow human being. Whitman from his poem ‘’Song of myself’’ shows that he is a man very preoccupied with the goodness of his …show more content…

He also used symbol as language tool especially in his poem when a child said ‘’ what is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands’’ (Line 100 of the Anthology on 6 of page 27). The grass here is a symbolism of spiritual divinity, which is the continuity of life after death (Growth), just as he said ‘’ The smallest sprout shows there is really no death, and if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it, and ceas’d the moment life appear’d. All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, and to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier’’. And so, Whitman’s expression in this quote, indicates that he finds his life as a very universal nature, which is also natural changes of his life he experienced in his life time. The writer also said in his poem ‘’Just as lucky to die’’ to be born again. In order words, the poet main reason or idea towards this quote is to let the reader understand the fact that life is about cycle even till death just Whitman expriecienced changes throughout his life. Therefore, the symbolism of ‘’Grass’’ in the poem makes it an epic, which is represent divinity

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