
Waltz Research Paper

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The name of the waltz originated the word a German verb walzen, that signified to wander, turn or glide and it was a name of revolving or whirling dance movement. The origin of the waltz is ambiguous but we can be considered the both dance the Volta and Landler. Volta was from the Reneissance court dance and Landler was closed the modern form of Viennese waltz origin from the Austrian folkdance. Landler is dancing the couple together in a slow temp, turning Alpine dance in three-four time music that has the lilting melodies and the wide leaping intervals in the music. It became popular in the late eighteenth century. The history of early waltz example can be found the opera Una cosa rara, by Vincent Martin during 1786. Even though it is not …show more content…

His harmonies are very complex with Impressionism characteristic and anticipated Jazz harmony. Ravel said harmonically is harder than ‘Scarbo’. Ravel used 7th, 9th, 11th chords with added seconds and sixths. In Waltz no.2, we can see the alternating major sevenths over minor triads. No. 5 has collision chromaticisms and cluster chords that influenced the later jazz harmony (reflection 95). Rhythmically, Ravel employed the lot of Hemiola and sophisticated rhythm. Also, the difficult of the his rhythm is the emphasis agogic accent and subtle elasticities of pulse. (reflection 99)(Hemiola example). Ravel’s rhythm is very precise when he teach in lesson this piece for his student. Tonality, mode, whole tone scale, and bitonal texture in the middle section of the seventh waltz, which Ravel said it is the most his like waltz and characteristic. (Here the right hand plays mostly in E Major,over the left hand in F Major, the left winning over the right at the ends of phrases and finally bullying it into accepting F major in every bar. This relationship parallels the semitonal one set up in the very first bar of the Vales. 127 Ravel Rogel) According to the Robert, “he not only ‘emphasise(s) the contours’ of the music but creates contours where none had before existed” (reflection 95). Like Baroque music, his use the pedal point as we can see the Epilogue. The last thirty-five bars of the Epilogue present the bass G continually. His impressionist style and exquisite technique create the elegance, pleasure, entertainment, and nostalgia characteristic. Distinctive feature is that VNS has Epilogue. Schubert Nobles, Sentimental valse never use the Epilogue. Epilogue in waltz we can find the J. Strauss’s orchestra waltz. It is like Schumann’s

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