War Of 1812 Dbq

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The War of 1812 was the defining factor of Madison’s Presidency. The fighting that would occur in the U.S would help to begin new philosophies about American interference that would last for centuries. The immediate cause of the War of 1813 can be attributed to the end of the Napoleonic wars between France and Britain and the hostility Britain carried over to the Americas.These wars resulted in each country blocking the other from trading with America. Moreover, acts such as the Orders in Council were issued. This prohibited trade and would result in Madison issuing the Embargo Act. This act made it illegal for any American exports to leave port for shipping. This severely hurt the New England economy and would further anger many Federalists. Another major reason for America’s declaration of war was the impressment of American sailors. Britain would attack ships without warning, killing soldiers and stealing the goods that …show more content…

This was a victory for Americans over the Natives and would begin the war. After this victory, the War Hawks push for war increased. And in June of 1812 a declaration of war was signed by the United States. America began attacks in Canada and British Colonies, but would get nowhere with the pompous and overly-optimistic attitude that they had acquired. The U.S would face bad loss after bad loss that would result in them being pushed back over the canadian border. Surprisingly, America won a few battles against the Royal Navy , until the Napoleonic Wars had concluded. One of the most memorable battles that transpired during this war was when Britain captured and burned the U.S capitol to the ground. Madison personally fought in this disheartening loss. The last battle of this war was fought after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, but in resulted in an American victory which would shape the positive view of the U.S military for

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