Was Hitler A Necessary Evil

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Necessary evil

Arguably the most powerful leader in the world to date Genghis Khan was an immoral leader who successfully built the world 's largest empire in history. There have been many leaders, some moral some not. The leaders who rule with fear and violence are more effective because people have motivation to work hard and fast. But leaders who do have morals achieve less than leaders without. Adolf Hitler and Jack from Lord of the Flies are leaders with no morals who achieved more than the moral leader Gandhi.The effectiveness of a leader is completely separate from the concepts of moral and immoral.
Hitler utilized his immoral behavior to be a successful leader. Adolf Hitler was a despicable person. His name is commonly bashed because of his controversial decisions, but nevertheless he was extremely powerful. “ One may be a great leader while being a despicable person.” Hitler got people to follow his lead by speaking to their emotions, He gave about 1,000 speeches where he would manipulate the audience through their emotions making them believe he was doing the right thing and that they needed him. Some of his success includes being the leader of the German army, introducing the volkswagen that started the inventions of many other types of cars and he helped Germany out of the great depression. He also succeeded in the killing of 5-6 million jews. Whether you agree or disagree with the result of Hitler 's actions or the type of person he is, there is no