Was Montresor Guilty Or Guilty Essay

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Montresor, guilty or not guilty. The answer is clear. Montresor is clearly guilty in regards to the charge of the first degree murder of Fortunato. The act of this man was not insanity. It was thought out murder. The first reason for this statement is that Montresor was the last person to be seen with Fortunato before his disappearance. The second reason is that no case of Amontillado was found in the catacombs. Lastly, Screams were thought to be heard coming from the catacombs on the night of Fortunato’s disappearance.
The first reason Montresor should be convicted with these crimes is that he was the last person to be seen with Fortunato before his disappearance. On the day of Fortunato’s murder. Who was the last person to be seen with him? Why of course, Montresor. Fortunato was last seen walking into the Montresor family catacombs. With of course Montresor himself. Montresor led the sick, drunk Fortunato down …show more content…

The defendant admits to going down in the catacombs with Fortunato that night. He claims they were going down to allow Fortunato to taste wine that Montresor had just gotten. He was afraid he was ripped off and wanted Fortunato to taste it himself. However no wine was ever found. Along with the fact that as already mentioned Fortunato was sick. Would you really want a sick man tasting wine that is so delicate in difference? No, you would not. This was simply how he lured Fortunato into the catacombs in order to commit this appalling crime. The final reason why Montresor should be charged with this horrendous crime is that screams were heard coming from the catacombs on the night of Fortunato’s disappearance. Perhaps they were screams coming from an argument that led to Fortunato’s murder, or perhaps they were the pitiful screams of Fortunato as he died a painful death. I guess that is up for u to decide