Was Nazi Germany's Pseudoscientific Ideas Of Race?

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Scientific racism is the pseudoscientific (false claims based on a scientific method) belief that humans can be subdivided into different biological groups called races and can be used as evidence to support racial discrimination. Scientific racism was based on eugenics, which is a set of beliefs aimed at improving genetic quality. The idea of eugenics was invented by Sir Francis Galton. Eugenics were set to improve race to form the perfect racial group, which for Hitler was the Aryan race. Racial purity was an approach at eugenics and implemented into Nazi Germany which aimed at the existence of one racial background and not being racially mixed. Nazi Germany's pseudoscientific idea on race was that the Aryan race was superior to any other …show more content…

During the period of 1933 and 1946 the Jewish people suffered immensely with about 6 million of them being killed. Pseudoscientific ideas of race had a devastating impact on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany in the early 20th century. Following the Nuremberg Law which stripped Jewish people of their citizenship denying them of civil rights in Germany and prevented relationships between Jews and non-Jews, Jewish people were made to seem inferior to the Aryan race and were eventually sent to concentration camps or death camps. Nazi Germanys pseudoscientific ideas of race were influenced by Hitler’s belief in racial purity and the prejudice that Jews were lesser beings. There had always been anti-Semitic feelings and throughout history the persecution of Jews had been happening, but these feelings had reappeared in Germany in 1933 under Hitler’s control. The Nazi government encouraged people to not support any Jewish owned businesses and were warned about which shops belonged to Jewish people. In 1938, things took a turn for the worse. Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, was a coordinated riot that was a result of anti-Semitic violence. Nazi leaders ordered the SS, SA and the …show more content…

Inmates in concentration camps were kept under harsh conditions and exploited for their labour. The prisoners in these concentration camps were criminals, asocials (Roma, homosexuals and more), Jews and Foreign nationals during the Second World War. Concentration and death camps were used to isolate Jewish people and either kill them immediately or use them as free labour in poor working conditions until they died. In these concentration camps, cruel medical experiments were conducted on Jewish prisoners, which were justified by the Nazis pseudoscientific ideas of