
Was President Kennedy Responsible For The Bill Of 1964 Dbq

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Conclusion Analyzing the previous investigation, President Kennedy was responsible for the passage of the Bill of 1964 to an extent. As MLK did not gain sufficient support because of people’s racial discrimination, Kennedy, being a role model for many, had wide influence on the passage of this bill. Without Kennedy’s power and his approach by proposing the bill to congress and supporting the March of Washington, it would all have been seen as ‘another event’ where nothing but hope would have been accomplished. Nonetheless, by making the problem a ‘moral issue’, more people supported the cause. Asking congress for legalisation pressured them to at least consider the request. Still, though Kennedy did have huge influence on the legislation, other external factors such as his legacy and president Johnson were influential. Kennedy’s death was of huge help for the bills ratification, as Johnson used it as an excuse to honor the gone President. It was this and his maneuvering of the south democrats and congress what made the authorization possible, as the congress had not passed the bill when Kennedy was alive. It would have taken …show more content…

He has been described as ‘reluctant’, ‘intimidated by congress’ and with ‘moral passion missing’ as King once said. His fear of congress did limit his moves when acting for Civil Rights as it happened during the freedom rides and the sit-in protests of the early 1960’s. Many also argue that the Civil rights ‘was not his top priority’, ‘He was busy with many other issues, especially foreign affairs, that he didn't give it the kind of energy and attention that we might wish in retrospect,’ argues Barrett, who studies the Kennedy Administration. The President did not exert his power in domestic affairs, nor made efforts to influence congress , as Johnson did later on. His major concerns were the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam and communist containment, nothing domestic

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