
Was Reconstruction A Success Essay

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Could you consider the Reconstruction period in America a success? In my opinion is that it was indeed a success. Throughout my research, I found that the Reconstruction period was a time of acceptance of African American freedom in America. It was also a time that showed America’s ability to pull through any disaster and rebuild itself. Reconstruction was a time of true success not just for one reason, but for all the right reasons. After the Civil war the world was in great chaos even the North , they may have won the war and freed the slaves but they still had to pick up the pieces and make america great again. What was the reconstruction period of america? The reconstruction of America is the period of time that had followed the Civil war. The point of the reconstruction period was to rebuild and fix america after the tragedy of the war. Both the south and the north had to rebuild and pick up the broken pieces. The reconstruction period lasted from 1865 to 1877 that is almost …show more content…

America made great strides and progress in the years following the war, they managed to get rid of two thirds of america's debt, they rebuilt and picked up the pieces after the war and they made amends with the south reuniting the country. As a positive result of the war the african american people did not have to be subjected to slavery anymore. They also gained a voice in the government , they were aloud to vote and own property. Laws were also made to protect them from discrimination as well as being protected from acts of violence. Also as a result of the war the North successfully made the south see the error of their ways and the south finally began to see the african american people as their equals. Changes were also made to the the constitution and a new amendment was made and passed. All of this was a great progress made by the united states of

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