Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure Essay

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After the Civil War that lasted from 1865 to 1877, the nation needed a plan to reform many issues. These included helping former slaves, bringing Confederate states back to the Union, and many others. This period where the United States began to rebuild after the Civil War is known as the Reconstruction. This was also the name for the process of the federal government readmitting Confederate states to the Union. The Reconstruction was both a success and a failure because it unified the United States, but created racism towards black Americans, and caused poverty and corruption in the South. The Reconstruction was considered a success because it unified the United States. The Union was separated for four years and reconstruction brought it back together to what we know as the United States. The creation of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments brought Americans together and reduced racism. The 13th Amendment officially outlawed slavery in the United States, under the 14th Amendment anyone born in the U.S. was a citizen, and blacks, along with all other races, gained the right to vote with the 15th Amendment. All of …show more content…

Many people began to resent black Americans gaining power and success. Therefore, they began racist groups and passed laws to make sure black Americans were subordinate. The Ku Klux Klan was created by Confederate Army veterans who wanted to restore white supremacy. They used violence and threats to torture and kill many black Americans. The Black Codes were also put into place to limit the rights of black Americans. These laws limited their basic human rights and civil rights. The Jim Crow Laws were enacted from 1876 to 1965, which believed in de jure racial segregation. This was the idea of separate but equal status of blacks. This made it legal to have separate restrooms, schools, etc. for black and white people. The Reconstruction created a rift between white and black