Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure Essay

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Reconstruction typically refers to the period of time immediately following the Civil War in which the government set conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states back into the Union. Although whites in the South were not happy because they had to share a portion of their hard earned land, the blacks had just as many rights to the land as the whites did because they were the ones who slaved over it for many years. “This important struggle was waged by radical northerners who wanted to punish the South and Southerners who desperately wanted to preserve their way of life” (35.Reconstruction). Other than the Civil War ending slavery, it also affected the way that the South felt towards the United States. The South’s bitter feelings …show more content…

Reconstruction was difficult for the federal government to enforce because so many “white Southerners could not accept the idea of former slaves enjoying equality before the law” (Foner, 503). This being said, a group of white rebellions created the Ku Klux Klan. “This gave federal authorities jurisdiction over both states and individuals who tried to deprive freedmen and women of their newfound rights” (Shmoop). The members of the KKK “pretended to be the ghosts of the Confederate soldiers” (Aghzadi). The KKK members were afraid of the rising rights of blacks and they believed that they needed to stay as slaves with no rights. Other obstacles such as poverty, slowed industrialization in the South, and corruption played a large role in the downfall of Reconstruction. Even though the South lost in the Civil War, they still had a large influence as to what happened in the United States. With President Lincoln in office, the blacks would have received their full rights and every race would become equal. Andrew Jackson holding office meant that things would be as close to slavery as they could be; he pushed the envelope per say. The blacks were almost dehumanized and treated like there was never a war for their …show more content…

“Radical Republicans believed that southern society would have to be completely transformed to ensure that the South would not try to secede again” (SparkNotes).The Radicals tried to reshape the South by putting Unionist and pro-Republican governments in office, and punishing southern planters whom were held responsible for the Civil War. The South was split when the Civil War ended. There were the Radical Republicans, freedmen, and planters. As it was predicted, most all of the southern states were outraged and refused to share their land that the blacks had rights to. The government stepped in and was able to distribute confiscated lands to former slaves and poor whites. They also helped improve the education system and fostered industrial growth in rebuilt southern cities (SparkNotes). The Radical Republicans, knowing that the blacks would face severe racism, passed a set of laws and amendments that protected blacks’ rights under constitutional