Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure Essay

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After the Civil War The Reconstruction had been a failure in bringing the south back into the Union in the way it had used to be before the Civil War. However, the Reconstruction had also successfully been able to restore the unified nation and its acknowledgment to the thirteenth amendment, Fourteenth amendment, and the Fifteenth amendment. Therefore, the Reconstruction's failure wasn’t a very fair assessment, but it had been successful in restoring the United States and the bringing of freedom to the African American slaves. The Reconstruction had not been a failure to the Union, but had to be a success and to be ratifying the idea of bringing in the divided nation back together. The Reconstruction had been during a United States period …show more content…

Which in this case had been at eleven of the Confederate States of Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana and Virginia. Each of those states of United States had been seceded from the Union far before the start of the Civil War and had hoped to be solved in the readmission from each of those states. The creation of the Reconstruction had been during the years when Abraham Lincoln had planned for the Reconstruction be during the Civil War and had been announced at the first comprehensive Reconstruction. Abraham Lincoln had hoped that this would be accomplished in his Reconstruction plan that was to have an end or to weakened the Confederacy and to bring the Nation back together before the start a postwar for the southern states. However Abraham Lincoln had been unable to set his plans in action before his assassination that was after his speech in the state of Louisiana about the Reconstruction and that had been to free african americans in April the eleventh, of the year …show more content…

The Civil War had also been fought over what should the states that should be able to own slaves or not to own slaves that were in slavery. In which it had also been in the time that was when Abraham Lincoln had been trying to create the Reconstruction. The Reconstruction also had made to be redressed in the inequities of slavery, which had made the eleven southern states wanting to secede from the Union. At the Union level it had hoped to be creating new laws and new constitutional amendments that would be altering the federal system and the American citizenship. Which had made the Republicans being able to convince that of former slaves should be earned the equal rights that had been required in the south readmission to the Union. In Abraham Lincoln's last speech that had been before his assassination was that of him expressing the views of the african americans of how they had fought with the Union and should have had the right to vote. The Reconstruction also had the government being able to manage the african americans affairs of the expunging from enacting the black codes from Andrew Johnson's policies. Soon in the year of 1866, the southern states electors passed the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Rights Bill. The Freedmen’s Bureau was to be able to extend the agency Congress to oversee the