
Was The Mexican American War Justified

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America fought a pointless war and invaded Mexico for texas. The Mexican-American war was fought from Apr 25, 1846 – Feb 2, 1848 and it was fought in, what is now, Texas. It was fought after Texas became independent and both America and Mexico tried to take Texas but neither of them could buy it because only one country could have it. Was The Mexican American war fought for a good enough reason? America invaded Mexico for slaves and was sending troops to the disputed territory.
The U.S invaded Mexico for slaves. While describing that the AMericans knew that Mexico had abolished slavery but didn’t care and still wanted land and slaves, the author states,"At current of emigration soon followed from the United States. Slaveholders crossed the …show more content…

While describing that America was purposefully sending troops into the disputed war which greatly increased the chances of a war to begin, the author states,”In early 1846, on Polk's orders] the troops commanded by General Zachary Taylor arrived at the Rio Grande, across from the city of Matamoros, thus occupying the territory in dispute and increasing the possibilities of a confrontation....”This proves that the Mexican American war wasn’t justified because AMerica was sending troops to try and start conflict in the territory. This is important because AMerica was deliberately trying to start conflict by being in the disputed war. While describing that Mexico believed America was going to try and attack so they responded by protecting their land and country from the invaders, the author states,“In the eyes of the [Mexican] government, the mobilization of the US army was an outright attack on Mexico.... As a consequence, the Mexican government reaffirmed the instruction to protect the border, meaning the territory located between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River - an order which led to the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma....”This proves that the US invasion wasn’t justified because Mexico was just trying to protect their land and country. This is important because to Mexico, America was trying to declare war by mobilizing their army and trying to attack

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