Was The Survival Of The Homo Habilis Unique Compared To The Other Species?

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Was the survival of the Homo Habilis unique compared to the other Homo species? The Homo Habilis or the Handy man as their better known, were the first ever hominids to adapt and survive in the prehistoric environment. 1.5 million years ago, the lands of Eastern and Southern Africa were ruled by the species “Homo Habilis.” They were named “Handy man” because their use of tools were linked to the evolution of tool technology. The faces of the Homo Habilis were lightly built and their large thumbs allowed them to easily grip objects. The Homo Habilis were the least related species to the modern humans. These very first ancestors lead the way for every hominid that was to follow until the final evolution to modern man. When you think about …show more content…

Every hominid in with their own tricks and techniques added a little of their knowledge to the evolution until modern man. Following each other and leading the way to the our developed world. Paleontologists say that a few of the physical features of the Homo Habilis were closely related Australopithecus, even though they lived in different time periods. While, the Homo Sapiens lived world wide the Homo habilis lived in parts of Africa until they died out. The Homo Sapiens brains were about one third of ours however, the Homo Sapiens brains were about as big as 2 fists put together. The Homo Erectus created a bigger range of tools because they lived in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and they made tools according to the environment. Compared to the Homo Erectus, the Homo Habilis had a simpler time because they didn’t migrate and didn’t change shelters that often, so they didn’t have to come up with new weapons or they didn’t have to change their techniques for surviving. Unlike, The Homo Habilis the Homo Rudolfensis had weak and small teeth so they had to make tools to help them eat food easier. We can see that all these different hominid species lived at different times and in different environment but still they had characteristics that were the same and that were unique in their own

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