Was Thomas Buxton A Hero

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Thomas Buxton while in parliament, got right to work. His concerns extended with the whole aborigines act. He was president of the “Aborigines Protection Society.” This was set up for the “protecting the defenseless and promotions the advancement of uncivilized tribe”(http://www.bu.edu/missiology/missionary-biography/a-c/buxton-thomas-fowell-1786-1845/). He was inspired by vid Livingstone he was similar too Thomas buxton and that 's where the information comes from because he did something similar to what he was doing.
Another thing that Thomas Buxton did was during the whole time period while he was in parliament he freed over eight hundred thousand slaves. Thomas Buxton was an outstanding person mostly because of the abolition act of 1833 which abolished slavery in all of britain(http://www.bbc.co.uk/norfolk/content/articles/2007/03/01/abolition_thomas_fowell_buxton_feature.shtml). Thomas Buxton pretty much gave all those men and women enslaved human rights that they didn 't have before because for the slave owner. …show more content…

He also wanted to start a trade between the africans and the british that wasn 't just slaves but goods, that both parties could both benefit from. He wanted to “bring a situation in which Europeans and Africans dealt with each other on equal footing, whether in politics, commerce or religion.”(http://historysheroes.e2bn.org/hero/whowerethey/4259). Which pretty much shows how he wanted to change different rules in different countries and not just his