Jean Watson's Theory Of Behaviorism Essay

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Recalling back, there was a time in which behaviorism as a term needed no explanation as to its title. Psychologist knew the logic that was new with the brand of psychology that was introduced by Watson, which completely broke the proposed tradition, and rejected that psychology had nothing to do with our consciousness or an introspective method. In today's time the term behaviorism has created a general view point that has been widely accepted by various psychologists, in which, doesn't have any particular group or theoretical opinion. "In fact, there are no proponents today of the original Watsonian version. this statement holds true only for the particular pattern of assumptions that Watson advanced. Many of the basic postulates of his formulation are to be found in …show more content…

There have been some psychologist and teachings that have come to the conclusion that behavioral therapy development is coming to a demise. However, "behaviorism has changed drastically over the past half century. Long ago, behaviorists could be more or less correctly described as people who studied individual behaviors and sought proximal causes they sought the current contingencies that maintain specific behaviors" (Malone, 2003). "It is molar both in the sense that behaviorists consider current context how does this behavior re- late to other simultaneously-available behaviors? It is also molar in the sense that time is important how do contingencies acting over time influence behaviors that are temporally extended?" (Malone, 2003).

Pavlov and Skinner
"In classical conditioning, associative learning involves repeatedly pairing an unconditioned stimulus, which always triggers a reflexive response, with a neutral stimulus, which normally triggers no response" (Bichler, et al., 2013). "Pavlov's theory of conditioning opens the gateway to associative memory as