Wayne Gretzky Accomplishments

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“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take” (Gretzky n.p.). Wayne Gretzky was born on January 26, 1961, in Brantford, Ontario (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica n.p.). Gretzky was born to parents of Russian and Polish descent. He was the first of five children born to Walter and Phyllis Gretzky.He learned to skate on the Ninth River near his grandfather’s farm. Wayne Gretzky is the best player to ever play the sport of hockey, as evidenced by his early hockey life, his accomplishments in hockey, and his life after retiring from the NHL. Firstly, Gretzky played in the NHL from 1979 to 1999 and managed to get 2,857 points in 1,487 games. In the 81-82 season, Gretzky scored a remarkable fifty goals in thirty-nine games, being the first

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